Friday, March 19, 2010

Dolphin Daze

The National Aquarium in Baltimore is celebrating the birth of a new baby dolphin! In honor of our new local celebrity, here are a few dolphin activities that preschoolers and kindergartners (and their grown-ups) might enjoy!
  • D is for Dolphin: Click here for dolphin coloring pages and printables.
  • Whale and Dolphin crafts.
  • Make a Venn Diagram and compare dolphins babies and human babies. Dolphin and human babies both grow inside of a mother's body, drink milk, breathe air, and depend on their mother.
  • Visit the Dolphin Place: Just for Kids.
  • Visit National Geographic's Secret Life of Dolphins.
  • Explore Bottlenose Dolphins on National Geographic's Creature Feature.
  • Crayon Resist: Have children draw/color a dolphin on water color paper (or white construction paper). Encourage them to color heavily. Using a large paint brush and blue water color paint (watered down tempera paint will work as well), paint the whole page varying shades of ocean blue.
  • Find more dolphin facts, pictures, and projects at Dolphinkind.
  • Learn to sign dolphin using American Sign Language.
  • Learn about how bats and dolphins use echolocation.

Great books budding scientists:

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