Wednesday, June 23, 2010

BOOK OF THE DAY: Girls A to Z by Eve Bunting

Girls a to Z

Girls a to Z by Eve Bunting is a rhythmic book with a great message for girls...and boys! "Dana is a dentist,/Eve's an engineer,/Fiona puts out fires,/Gwen's a gondolier..." And so the rhythmic text goes. For each letter of the alphabet a young girl is pursuing her dream career. The message of the story isn't forced; it's just a fun story with wonderful illustrations. It's important for teachers and parents to expose boys to books with this type of message. Right around the age of four and five is when children will begin articulating the notion that "girls can do this" and "boys can do that." Contradicting stereotypes head on is a step in the right direction!

More "Girl Power" Books


Other books by Eve Bunting:


Also Check Out:
Watch Eve Bunting's video interview on Reading Rockets
Read Eve Bunting's biography on Scholastic

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