Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Little Red Hen by Jerry Pinkney

In honor of Fairy Tale Month, the BOOK OF THE DAY is:

  • During Choice Time or Center Time, allow students to listen to the story on
  • Make a Rebus Story on chart paper.
  • Tie this story in with a unit on cooperation.
  • First School and Hubbards Cupboard have an abundance of ideas, patterns, and lesson plans.
  • Sing the Little Red Hen song.
  • Learn about chickens! Check your local farms to see if they offer chick-hatching projects. We've used Quiver Farms and the experience has been great. First, check with your local licensing agency or health department before doing any animal project.
  • Have a bread taste test, then ask the children their favorite and graph the results.
  • Allow children to experiment with yeast and water to watch it rise; then bake some bread!
  • Read Bread Bread Bread (Mulberry Big Book) by Ann Morris and Everybody Bakes Bread (Carolrhoda Picture Books) by Norah Dooley and discuss the role that bread plays in cultures all over the world.
  • Read Teamwork also by Ann Morris and discuss the role that teamwork (or lack of) played in the story of the Little Red Hen.
  • Read other versions of The Little Red Hen and compare/contrast the stories and characters.

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