Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Stone Soup by Jon Muth

In honor of Fairy Tale Month, the BOOK OF THE DAY is:

  • Visit DLTK site for a variety of story-related activities, coloring pages, and recipes.
  • Sing the Stone Soup Song (from Songs for Teaching).
  • Share Stone Soup (Chinese Edition) with your class. Although you may not be able to "read" it, it is important that children are exposed to other languages.
  • Add paper shaped like a pot to your art and writing areas. During Center Time or Choice Time, the children can choose to draw or paint pictures of their own version of stone soup.
  • Have each child bring a vegetable to school, and make stone soup. There are many variations of recipes available online.
  • Read other versions of this story such as Stone Soup by Ann McGovern.
  • Make a flannel board story by cutting out a pot, stone, and vegetables out of felt. Use DLTK's coloring pages to find patterns.
  • Make a Stone Soup Alphabet Book. Illustrate parts of the story and focus on the letters (ex: S is for soup, O is for onion, p is for pot, etc). You don't have to include all 26 letters! Just include a few that you might be working on during this unit.


  1. This is one of my favorite units! When my class did it we all brought in one item and had one crock-pot full of yummy fun! See our adventures!http://centersandcircletime.blogspot.com/2011/01/reading-of-stone-soup.html

  2. Thanks for sharing more cool ideas!
