Thursday, March 10, 2011

March Comes In Like a Lion...

If I Were a LionThe Lion & the MouseThe Reasons for Seasons

March starts out pretty blustery and cold in many parts of the United States. Discuss with children what the saying "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" means. Talk about how cold weather days are like lions (ferocious or windy) and warm days are like lambs (soft and gentle). Here are a few additional supporting activities:
  • Cut out small lions and lambs that will fit on your calendar. Each day, talk about the weather and decide if it is a "lamb day" or a "lion day." For added math activities talk about weather there are more or less lion/lamb days. Children can also learn how to do a tally of the days. My kindergarten students loved learning to make tally marks!
  • Read information books like The Reasons for Seasons to help children understand the changing seasons.
  • Since Lion and Lamb both begin with the letter L, make a cut of or a lion and a cut out of a lamb to hang in the room. For the entire time you are doing the lion/lamb unit, encourage children to think of words that begin with L. They can write the words on the cut outs or cut pictures out of magazines to glue to the cut outs.      
What are your favorite lion and lamb activities? 

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