If You Take a Mouse to School
: "If you take a mouse to school, he'll ask you for your lunch box. When you give him your lunch box, he'll want a sandwich to go in it. Then he'll need a notebook and some pencils. He'll probably want to share your backpack, too ..."
If You Take a Mouse to School: "If you take a mouse to school, he'll ask you for your lunch box. When you give him your lunch box, he'll want a sandwich to go in it. Then he'll need a notebook and some pencils. He'll probably want to share your backpack, too ..."
Related Activities for this humorous story:
- Place paper shaped like a lunch-box in the art area and at the easel. During Center Time, children can choose to decorate the lunch boxes with paint, sticker, or other art supplies. Here is one pattern but there are many others available online.
- Read more about the mouse's adventures in If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
and The Best Mouse Cookie.
You can also read other books by Laura Numeroff.
- Allow children to illustrate their own version of what they think will happen if they take a mouse to school! Binding these together would make a great classroom book.
- Visit the Mouse Cookie Books website.
- Do some of the activities that the mouse does in the book (science experiment, make a mouse-house with blocks, build with clay, make a book, play soccer, etc.)
Click here for more Back to School books and activities!
My girls and I love those Laura Numeroff books and have a few of them. The activities you suggested sound like a lot of fun. Thanks!