- Make paper plate fish, origami whales, or a starfish necklace!
- Make an underwater painting. Give each child a piece of water color paper and have them paint the entire page with blue and green water color. Encourage children to use different shades on the paper. Allow the paper to dry. On day #2 children use tempera paint to paint sea creatures in their "ocean."
- After reading Mister Seahorse
or A House for Hermit Crab, make an art project in the style of Eric Carle!
- Cut sea creatures in different lengths or heights and have children put them in order from shortest to tallest
- Make an Ocean Counting book using ocean facts such as: Dolphins have 1 baby at a time; an octopus has 8 tentacles, there are 5 oceans in the world, etc...
Fish Story
One, two three, four, five (hold up fingers while counting)
Once I caught a fish alive,
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten (hold up additional fingers)
Then I let it go again.
Why did I let it go?
Because it bit my finger so.
Which finger did it bite?
The little finger on the right (hold up pinky on the right hand)
Five Oceans (Tune: Three Blind Mice)
Five oceans, four oceans,
On the earth, on the earth.
Five oceans cover the earth, you see,
Can you name them all with me?
Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Arctic, and Southern make five.
Five oceans.
- Make an Ocean in a Bottle
- Learn about the differences between mammals and fish. Cut out pictures of various animals and encourage children to sort them according to two categories (fish or mammal).
- Read the book Winter's Tail: How One Little Dolphin Learned To Swim Again
. The children will learn about a dolphin who lost her tail in a crab trap. The story of rehabilitation and triumph is amazing. Visit Winter's Website or visit Scholastic for more information.
- Use a large map and mark the five oceans on it. Also mark the oceans where certain sea animals live.
- Contact your local Aquarium and see if they have an outreach program. Invite someone in to talk about ocean life, sea animals, and how children can help the environment
You have so many lovely ideas here!