When I taught kindergarten (many, many moons ago) this was one of the books that my children would ask me to read over and over again. King Bidgood refuses to get out of the tub and the hilarious illustrations show him eating, fishing, and even dancing in the bathtub. (Ever had a little one who just doesn't want to stop playing in the tub - he or she will appreciate this story even more!). The illustrations are so rich and engaging that when you're reading, you'll want to leave time to really enjoy the pictures. The text is simple and predictable which is a draw to many preschool and kindergarten children. There's a book and musical CD that I haven't heard, but may be a nice addition to the story.
If you enjoy this story, here are more books that will tickle your funny bone!
Related Activities:
In the water table or sensory area, add a baby bathtub and props (dolls or "block" people).
Do Sink and Float activities in a baby bathtub!
Ask the children to tell you what they do while they are in the bathtub (play with boats, blow bubbles, etc). Make a class list.
Children can also draw pictures to illustrate what they like to do in the bathtub (give each child bathtub shaped paper). Bind the pages together into a class book (Room 5 In the Bathtub).
Other Books By Audrey Wood:
Other Bathtub Books: